Senis, I like how you always comment in a positive way. Not only in this particular case, but also on other movies - when having criticism/suggestions to share, you always put it in a positive and motivating way, from my view
And Fordie, as you took your time for the detailed comments, I'll reply a bit more detailed here, too. Trying to explain why I did stuff the way I did. I do agree with your points, though.
In earlier movies I tried to cover all cars and tracks, if possible even in a balanced way. But that often resulted in a few really really boring and lame scenes that I put into the video just to cover this point. I regretted this once the movie was done and released. Plus it depends on my mood and the music I chose, in this case the FO8 and FBM are clearly the dominating cars (while usually it's the XRT because I drive that one the most).
At clip-lengths of 3.1s, 1.55s or even 0.77s (that is what I mainly used) it is really hard to cover e.g. great UF1 action, I wanted to keep the pace high here and make the audience watch it again and again until they really get all the details.
I agree on that, too. But as lately I've been making movies much more for myself, rather than for the community (as I'm aware that barely anybody will watch them, nowadays) I commit such mistakes 'on purpose'. This time I used lots of crashes, surely unrealistic when it comes to the non-existend damage model. But I tried to restrict it to only using crasshes that are realistic concerning how the cars move on impact or leave the rest to the spectator's imagination, so I tried to avoid fancy lag-crashes etc. Also you'll find lots of onboard clips with the odd mpr-steering-wheel-jumping in this one, I did avoid that in my previous Impressions movie.
I'm glad the video touched you, such comments keep me motivated to create (and publish) more movies, even if that will only be in a year or later.
yea, I run AA at maximum already and record at 0.25x speed.. it's still a pain, especially when going for the HD resolution (that's why I avoided that before )
wasn't that in the previous Impressions movie, part 5? but yes, his stunts are pretty entertaining
that really is a great thing about lfs.. but it can also be a curse, when you got a scenario in your head and try to capture it that exact same way.. and give up after 30 attempts as it just won't look as good as it does in your head
yesterday I finished 'LFS Impressions VI'. It mainly covers footage from Torsdagsrace and LFS Cart, but also from other leagues and a lot of pick-up races.
(Edit: now available on YouTube, thanks to Fordman! on his channel you can also check out the previous 'Impressions' movies among a lot more LFS-movies, mainly from the earlier days)
+1! I gave up asking, meanwhile
plus, I can't even watch half of the lfs videos as they get blocked here in germany because of the audio content (happened to this one meanwhile, too)
wow.. I really love how you managed to show actual battles on track, that is what I miss in most lfs movies (including my own ones).
I find it much harder to cover a complete pass (or even an entire battle) in a movie than just showing a very short and exciting moment of it - showing the action from the same angle for too many seconds makes it appear boring easily while switching the cameras too often might make it look somewhat random and confusing..
imo you solved this problem very well, nice movie!
oh yes, those are nice
in one of them I found Headhunterz ft. Malukah - Reignite some time ago, pretty much in the beginning of the set.. one of my favorite tracks right now
you guys with all those hardstyle songs made me browse my old hardstyle folder again.. I started listening to this genre in '06 or so and this stuff is still great imo
Abject - Special
A-Lusion - Perfect It
Davide Sonar - Natural
Dozer - The Church Of The Darkside
Dutch Masters - We Go Party
Ivan Carsten - Bumpin' Hard (Tuneboy Remix)
J.T.S. - Alleluia
Mr Puta - Green Stuff
Showtek - Early Soundz
The Prophet vs Brennan Heart - The Payback
Zanza Labs - Control The Mind
just a few of the older examples (probably all available on youtube, too.. in horrible quality).. nowadays it's really hard to find new songs that I really like that much..
sorry for the bump - but there's currently the possibility of streaming the video at and I thought this might be interesting for those who couldn't watch the video because they don't download files from the internet.
also, I replaced the filehoster-link with a direct download link.
also, it's weird how your video got blocked on youtube right away while other uploads of that song are still available, 2 years after they were uploaded
in the past I sometimes spotted laggy cars in your videos (especially when you showed a lot of (fast) cars at the same time), which is a rather big flaw for me - this doesn't occur this time (or only in a very small extent, when there's fo8 cars later in the video), glad to see you worked on it!
and about the speedo shown in the background: using it once would have done, I think.. but that's not a too big issue imo
can I download the video somewhere? I could only watch it in a bad quality, using some proxy server because the song is blocked on youtube in germany (suprisingly! )
actually you don't get to see that type of car too rarely in hanover.. and same goes for the R8!
but those vehicles were waiting for the traffic lights to show green, just in front of me while I was waiting for a tram, had to take a pic there
'old' song but probably it got a lot more famous now that they used it somewhere in the "project x" movie (you should watch it if you didn't already, TVE )
on topic: nice to watch, pretty relaxing after I just got home and am now going to get some sleep
thanks again!
posting the movie in here was already worth it, even if it was only for a few people viewing it.. it's nice to get feedback from people who seem to watch every movie you release over the years and also from the other movie makers who produce great stuff - and way more complex stuff, often by using effects and usually by doing excellent camera work (while I keep my movies pretty simple).
ah damn now that you mention it .. it's one of the FZR shots, I had two clips named pretty similar and accidentally put the same one twice :doh: ..second one was supposed to be a close-up shot so you could see the driver's head turning.. ugh this bothers maybe, maybe I'll fix it in a month
edit: thanks for the quick notification, maik.. I fixed it within a night-shift and re-uploaded the movie
Now my exams begin and will keep me busy till late august so a zippyshare-link is all I can offer so far. I strongly recommend to hit the download button on the right (the file is 130 MB) rather than streaming the video. zippyshare streams are horrible - if they work at all...
I don't have access to an ftp, nor am I registered at youtube or vimeo, but feel free to spread the video anywhere you like, if you want to.
nice phone imo, it seems to be pretty underrated over here.. maybe it's the 3D features that scare people off, but a month ago the EVO 3D was still cheaper than the Desire S .. pretty ridiculous if you compare the specs